Apache Warrior (flaming stencil text)

Concept Bike (flaming stencil text)

Apache Warrior Motorcycle (orange background)

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About (flaming stencil text)

I remember first seeing the Apache in the mid 1990's in magazines and fell in love with it. I hadn't heard or seen anything new about it since then. Since I have had internet access, I have tried to find out what has happened to it since. I have found mostly only a couple of pictures (See Pics page)

While searching the internet for Apache information, I did find a website for the company that made the wheels. OSMOS Wheel had this to say about the Apache Warrior on their website:

"This prototype was presented to the public in an article in " Thunder Cycles ". A model transcending the future made the creation of this American V-Twin possible. The well-known Chrome-Leather design reaches its peak, coupled with innovative technology. The OSMOS wheels, associated with the hydraulic system that controls both fork and shock absorbers, are the main part of this "Street-Fighter", called "Apache"."

- from OSMOS Wheel's R & D page at http://www.osmos-wheel.com/pages/r_d.asp

When I contacted them, they said that they didn't know much about the project, other than provide the wheels.

As for other details, about the only other thing I can remember (It's been many years and many beers ago) is that it had a Harley Davidson V-Twin engine. I think it was a 1340cc/80 cubic inches Evolution.

There are new models of motorcycles from Harley Davidson that have come out since the appearance of the Apache. I think it has influenced the designers of Buell motorcycles and the V-Rod motorcycle.

I hope to get more information and update this page in the future.

If you have any information, pictures, etc. about the Apache Warrior, email me at RammerJammer@Burntmail.com

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